Trosolwg o'r elusen FUTURE TREES TRUST CIO

Rhif yr elusen: 1201851
Cofrestrwyd yn ddiweddar
Mae'r elusen hon wedi cael ei chofrestru'n ddiweddar - nid oes angen iddi ddiweddaru'i gwybodaeth hyd 10 mis ar ôl i'w chyfnod ariannol cyntaf ddod i ben

Gweithgareddau - sut mae'r elusen yn gwario ei harian

We envision that all productive forests and woodlands in the UK will contain a proportion of selected or genetically improved trees to enhance diversity and resilience to climate change, pests and diseases. The wood they produce will be used in the construction of net zero carbon buildings, locking up carbon for decades and helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change.