Y Gofrestr Elusennau - Y Comisiwn Elusennau SOLIHULL ARDEN CHARITABLE TRUST

Rhif yr elusen: 1203725
Cofrestrwyd yn ddiweddar
Mae'r elusen hon wedi cael ei chofrestru'n ddiweddar - nid oes angen iddi ddiweddaru'i gwybodaeth hyd 10 mis ar ôl i'w chyfnod ariannol cyntaf ddod i ben

Gweithgareddau - sut mae'r elusen yn gwario ei harian

To provide the best facilities, coaching and accessibility to those who are: * Unfit * Have unhealthy life styles * Suffer disabilities or discrimination * Suffer from well-being issues such as loneliness, isolation, domestic abuse * Local school children whose schools cant or dont provide such access * Young people looking to engage in sporting activities for the first time * The elderly