Y Gofrestr Elusennau - Y Comisiwn Elusennau THE JONGEN CHARITABLE TRUST

Rhif yr elusen: 1203338
Cofrestrwyd yn ddiweddar
Mae'r elusen hon wedi cael ei chofrestru'n ddiweddar - nid oes angen iddi ddiweddaru'i gwybodaeth hyd 10 mis ar ôl i'w chyfnod ariannol cyntaf ddod i ben

Gweithgareddau - sut mae'r elusen yn gwario ei harian

The charity is an independent grant-making organisation created to benefit the public in general by making grants to selected charitable organisations that work in the broad areas of disadvantaged young people, homelessness, refugees and asylum seekers, education and access to opportunity. Applications for funding are by invitation only and we are unable to respond to unsolicited proposals.