Register of Charities - The Charity Commission ENABLE INTERNATIONAL

Charity number: 1181678
Regulatory alert
Charity reporting is overdue by 771 days

Regulatory alerts

  • Notice of dissolution on application of the CIO (see details)
    The Commission intends to dissolve this CIO after three months from the date of this notice unless cause is shown to the contrary. Representations must be made to the Commission within three months. Email your representation to
    Quote the charity number and head the email 'CIO dissolution representation'.
    Notice dated: 12 December 2024

Activities - how the charity spends its money

Enable International has developed an online software that links small projects/charities to donors. This platform will be launched in 2019. We have three core values: transparency; interactivity and choice; and, measurable impact. The projects we link with must aim to contribute to the fulfilment of a sustainable development goal and can be based in any country.

Income and expenditure

Data for financial year ending 31 March 2023

Total income: £0
Total expenditure: £0


No information available


No information available

Trustee payments

No information available