Register of Charities - The Charity Commission ST JOHN'S (BLACKHEATH) WAR MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION

Charity number: 276745
Charity reporting is overdue by 268 days

Activities - how the charity spends its money

The charities activities entail all that is necessary for the provision of accommodation and support for the 2nd West Kent (Blackheath) company of the Boys' Brigade. The company provides a wide range of pursuits for boys and young men in age groups 6-8, 8-11 & 12-17. These include games, sport, marching, bugle band, camping and other outdoor pursuits, first aid and drama. All within a Christian et

Income and expenditure

Data for financial year ending 06 August 2022

Total income: £22,800
Total expenditure: £0


This charity does not raise funds from the public


This charity does not have any trading subsidiaries.

Trustee payments

No trustees receive any remuneration, payments or benefits from the charity.