Search the register of charities

Find information about registered charities in England and Wales, including

  • what the charity does
  • trustees
  • finance information, like income and expenditure
  • any actions the Charity Commission has taken against the charity

You can export up to 10,000 records.

Find a charity

Register of merged charities

You can view the charities that have notified the Charity Commission they merged or transferred their assets to another charity on the Register of merged charities

Search the register by constituency

This search allows you to find charities based on:

  • the postcode of their named contact
  • the parliamentary constituency of the named contact
  • the local authority area of the named contact

Many charities operate in small local areas. For charities that work in limited areas the contact will often live in or close to that area and this search will help you to find such charities.

Please note that this search will not identify all the charities that operate in your area. To find major national charities, international charities and those that provide key services you should use the main advanced search page

Search by constituency

Register datasets

If you are a researcher or are otherwise interested in using the Charity Commission Register of Charities data to view information for all our charities, the entire register dataset is available to download using the “View the dataset” link below.

The Charity Commission publishes three main types of data:

You can download all publicly available data on the Register of Charities.

View the dataset

View top 10 charities by income, expenditure or other criteria.

Go to top 10 list

A graphical representation of data about the charity sector.

View the sector data


Charity Commission for England and Wales API Users

The Charity Commission for England and Wales API lets you retrieve information about charities. The data returned is live and real-time, and is simple to use and understand.