Rhif yr elusen: 1130148
Mae'r adroddiad gan yr elusen wedi'i ddiweddaru (ar amser)

Gweithgareddau - sut mae'r elusen yn gwario ei harian

We are a team of professional storytellers with & without learning disabilities who inspire people through the sharing of personal & traditional stories. We aim to enrich the lives of people with learning disabilities & those who live & work with them. We seek a world where everyone,regardless of their disability, finds a voice to tell their story & listeners are able to hear & support the telling

Incwm a gwariant

Data ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol yn gorffen 31 March 2024

Cyfanswm incwm: £253,907
Cyfanswm gwariant: £228,772

Codi arian

Dim gwybodaeth ar gael


Nid oes gan yr elusen hon unrhyw is-gyrff masnachu.

Taliadau i ymddiriedolwyr

Nid yw ymddiriedolwyr yn derbyn unrhyw daliad cydnabyddiaeth, taliadau neu fuddion gan yr elusen.