Trosolwg o’r elusen WEST VALE MOBILITY

Rhif yr elusen: 1208176
Cofrestrwyd yn ddiweddar
Mae'r elusen hon wedi cael ei chofrestru'n ddiweddar - nid oes angen iddi ddiweddaru'i gwybodaeth hyd 10 mis ar ôl i'w chyfnod ariannol cyntaf ddod i ben

Gweithgareddau - sut mae'r elusen yn gwario ei harian

To provide transport facilities in the Western portion of the Vale of the White Horse District Council area which is an isolated rural area with no adequate public transport facilities for those with a health or well-being related need for it. The target demographics are people who have need of such facilities ,be they elderly, poor, disabled or people with young children.