Charity number: 1136855
Charity reporting is up to date (on time)

Charity overview

Activities - how the charity spends its money

The University provides Higher Education to the general public which will also include numerous research activities. For more detail see the Public Benefit Statement within the Annual Financial Statements.

Income and expenditure

Data for financial year ending 31 July 2023

Charitable expenditure

Charitable expenditure

Some charities generate all, or a substantial part, of their income from investments which may have been donated to the charity as endowment or set aside by the charity from its own resources in the past. Such investments usually take the form of stocks and shares but may include other assets, such as property, that are capable of generating income and/or capital growth.

In managing their spending and investments charities need to strike a balance between the needs of future and current beneficiaries. They also need to take account of spending commitments that may stretch over a number of future years. To do this, charities will normally adopt an investment strategy designed to generate both income and capital growth. To maximise returns trustees may commit to investment strategies for several years.

Investments can experience large swings in value so trustees may, in a particular year, decide to realise and spend part of their charity’s capital or to invest part of its income.

By clicking the investment gains checkbox the charitable spending bar is adjusted to take account of capital growth as well as income. This shows the balance the charity is striking, between spending on current beneficiaries and retaining resources for future beneficiaries.


No information available


This charity has one or more trading subsidiaries.

Trustee payments

One or more trustees receive payments or benefits from the charity for another benefit.

What, who, how, where

What the charity does:
  • Education/training
  • The Advancement Of Health Or Saving Of Lives
Who the charity helps:
  • The General Public/mankind
How the charity helps:
  • Provides Services
  • Sponsors Or Undertakes Research
Where the charity operates:
  • Cardiff


Registration history:
  • 13 July 2010: Standard registration
Organisation type:
Other names:

No other names

Gift aid:
Recognised by HMRC for gift aid
Other regulators:
No information available
  • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
  • Complaints handling
  • Complaints policy and procedures
  • Conflicting interests
  • Engaging external speakers at charity events policy and procedures
  • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
  • Internal risk management policy and procedures
  • Investment
  • Paying staff
  • Risk management
  • Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Serious incident reporting policy and procedures
  • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
  • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
Land and property:
This charity owns and/or leases land or property


Trustees are the people responsible for controlling the work, management and administration of the charity on behalf of its beneficiaries. Generally trustees are treasurer, chair, board member etc. The trustees are responsible for keeping this list up to date and can do this by updating their details as they happen through the online service

22 Trustee(s)

Name Role Date of appointment Other trusteeships Reporting status of other trusteeships
Micaela Louise Panes Trustee 01 July 2024
Received: On time
Madison Poppy Johnston Hutchinson Trustee 01 July 2024
Received: On time
Katherine Helen Shelton Trustee 22 February 2024
None on record
Elizabeth Peggy Button Trustee 01 January 2024
None on record
Stephen Andrew Joseph Mann Trustee 01 January 2024
None on record
Sian Rees Trustee 01 January 2024
None on record
Professor Wendy Joan Larner Trustee 01 September 2023
None on record
Dr Juan Pereiro Viterbo Trustee 01 August 2023
None on record
Professor Urfan Khaliq Trustee 01 August 2023
None on record
Dr Catrin Mair Lewis Wood Trustee 01 August 2023
None on record
Dr Robert Wilton Weaver Trustee 24 July 2023
None on record
Jeremy Maxwell Lewis Trustee 01 August 2022
Received: On time
Jennifer Wood Trustee 01 August 2022
None on record
David Martin Selway Trustee 01 August 2022
None on record
Suzanne Rankin Trustee 28 April 2022
None on record
Patrick Younge Trustee 01 January 2022
Received: On time
Professor Damian Walford Davies Trustee 01 August 2021
None on record
Christopher Jones Trustee 01 January 2021
None on record
Professor Dame Janet Valerie Finch Trustee 26 November 2019
None on record
JOHN SHAKESHAFT Trustee 01 August 2019
Received: On time
Received: On time
Judith Anne Fabian Trustee 27 November 2018
None on record
Agnes Xavier-Phillips JP DL Trustee 14 May 2018
The Worshipful Livery Company of Wales Charitable Trust
Received: On time
Received: On time

Financial history

" role="img"> Text alternative for this canvas graphic is in the data table below.

Financial period end date

Income / Expenditure 31/07/2019 31/07/2020 31/07/2021 31/07/2022 31/07/2023
Total gross income £538.50m £568.81m £604.59m £634.17m £635.21m
Total expenditure £644.83m £499.56m £573.20m £725.31m £611.47m
Income from government contracts £46.42m £44.33m £41.66m £46.07m £51.86m
Income from government grants £131.69m £165.05m £195.19m £187.60m £189.69m
Income - Donations and legacies £2.57m £784.00k £2.74m £1.24m £1.40m
Income - Other trading activities £62.72m £58.62m £47.14m £56.56m £74.74m
Income - Charitable activities £459.02m £497.24m £543.52m £561.29m £534.44m
Income - Endowments £403.00k £166.00k £288.00k £267.00k £1.18m
Income - Investment £6.26m £5.91m £4.38m £5.73m £9.67m
Income - Other £7.94m £6.27m £6.83m £9.35m £16.13m
Income - Legacies £0 £0 £0 £656.00k £0
Expenditure - Charitable activities £458.61m £465.66m £485.76m £509.36m £528.39m
Expenditure - Raising funds £2.58m £2.55m £2.58m £2.85m £4.20m
Expenditure - Governance £1.51m £1.80m £518.00k £481.00k £1.51m
Expenditure - Grants institution £2.94m £2.89m £2.92m £3.35m £3.39m
Expenditure - Investment management £925.00k £1.03m £1.25m £1.99m £3.48m
Expenditure - Other £183.65m £31.36m £84.86m £213.10m £78.87m

Assets and liabilities

Definitions for assets and liabilities
Own use assets

These are assets, other than investments, which are held for more than 12 months and used to run and administer the charity such as buildings, offices, exhibits and fixtures and fittings.

Long term Investments

Investments are assets held by the charity with the sole aim of generating income which will be used for their charitable purposes such as deposit accounts, shares, rental property and unit trusts.
Investment assets are re-valued every year and included in the balance sheet at their current market value.
Long term investments are held for more than 12 months.

Other assets

These are assets held generally for less than 12 months such as cash and bank balances, debtors, investments to be sold within the coming year and trading stock.

Defined benefit pension scheme asset or liability

This is a surplus or deficit in any defined benefit pension scheme operated and represents a potential long-term asset or liability.

Total liabilities

These are all the amounts owed by the charity at the balance sheet date to third parties such as bills due but not yet paid, bank overdrafts and loans and mortgages.

" role="img"> Text alternative for this canvas graphic is in the data table below.
Asset / Liability 31/07/2019 31/07/2020 31/07/2021 31/07/2022 31/07/2023
Own use assets £782.83m £846.80m £934.28m £949.06m £952.27m
Long-term investments £11.83m £9.26m £7.60m £9.25m £15.21m
Other assets £451.45m £393.00m £521.27m £521.96m £488.86m
Defined benefit pension scheme asset or liability -£200.25m -£187.31m -£188.81m -£233.45m -£180.33m
Total liabilities £459.17m £444.15m £597.86m £598.15m £598.49m

Accounts and annual returns

This table shows the charity's record of submitting annual returns, accounts and trustees' annual report (TAR) for the last five financial periods.
Title Reporting year Date received Received Download
Annual return 31 July 2023 24 May 2024 On time
Accounts and TAR 31 July 2023 24 May 2024 On time Download Open in new window
Annual return 31 July 2022 22 May 2023 On time
Accounts and TAR 31 July 2022 22 May 2023 On time Download Open in new window
Annual return 31 July 2021 25 May 2022 On time
Accounts and TAR 31 July 2021 25 May 2022 On time Download Open in new window
Annual return 31 July 2020 27 May 2021 On time
Accounts and TAR 31 July 2020 27 May 2021 On time Download Open in new window
Annual return 31 July 2019 20 May 2020 On time
Accounts and TAR 31 July 2019 20 May 2020 On time Download Open in new window
Submit annual return Open in new window

Contact information

Cardiff University
University Secretary's Office
CF10 3AT
029 20874297